Monday, December 28, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our neighborhood.

Wandering around DUMBO last weekend. We never want to move.

Anti- Thanksgiving.

By now, everyone who does not have their head up their butt should realize that Thanksgiving is conceived from, well, essentially nothing. That being said, I did enjoy some shenanigans and some vegetarian gravy at Scott and Ethan's, and the rest of the fam damily. Here are two of the best:

Our new DUMBO apartment

Haven't posted in about 6 months. Now a 14 hour day, 6 day a week 6th grade English teacher. It consumes me. In a great way.
Our new place! Enjoy:

Great view of the construction :)

We actually have a closet!

Friday, June 19, 2009

"I'm going away for the summer" dinner gathering

The amazing Mamma Shan hosted this fabulous get-together for me before I leave for teacher training for TFA on Sunday... I'll be gone for 6 weeks. Shannon and Amy made DELICIOUS food- Thanks ladies! You're too good to me...

Preparation for the amazing food


Smackin' dat bootay

A few of the gang

Getting tips from the wise

The dog's party pants